Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 18 - Dead Batteries

Did you know that in California it is actually illegal to throw batteries in the trash? I'm talking about common everyday batteries that are used in toys, flashlights, cameras, and TV remote controls. In February 2006 California became the first state in the US to make it illegal to toss household batteries into the garbage. I knew it wasn't a good idea to let these little buggers go to the landfill and leak their toxic chemicals into the groundwater, but I didn't know it was the law. 

Even so, for some time I had been collecting our used batteries to eventually take them to the local "household hazardous waste collection event" the city holds once every few months. After a little research I found out that our local library has a battery recycle drop off center. So guess what I did today on my way home from work? Yep! Stopped by the library and dropped off my bag full of batteries. They are out of here! ...Until next time.

It is illegal to throw away batteries in many states. I encourage doing a google search and see what the law is in your state.

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